The next chapter...
Someone once said "Sometimes the right path isn't always the easiest one" this is defiantly ringing true for what I am about to tell you.
Due to the unforeseen effect of the RMS ran roadworks in Murrurundi, we have had to make the decision to close. The toll the road works have taken on our business is massive. You see from the first of December until the first of March we collect our honey for the wintertime. We really rely heavily on this period of time and this last month has dramatically effected our sales. We are a sizeable business that employs seven people, pays rent, electricity and all of the other overheads that come with owning a business. All of these expenses throughout the year are directly funded by our fantastic summer period. We were not given a very clear or timely warning where the road works are concerned. We had a worker enter our store in and tell us at lunch time the day before they were going to rip the road up out the front that "we may be inconvenienced" and our customers wont be able to park out the front. If we were given more notice we could have put an action plan in place to get the travellers to stop. unfortunately this was not the case. Yes we received a flyer but the flyer didn't go into detail the extend of the works they were undertaking.
over the last few hours since announcing our pending closure we have been overwhelmed by the amount of people contacting us, we thank you so much for your support and am pleased to tell you we are not going far!
We may be closing these doors however we are opening the doors to THE TATTERSALLS. We are going to be trying a different approach to your usual bricks and mortar store. We will still be there full time working hard to make your homes beautiful however we wont be open seven days a week. Instead we will be having "open days" these days will be more like an event you wont want to miss.
We will be available online 24/7 through our online store and on facebook. The Tattersalls renovation will be in full swing we are going to be smashing that out of the park and you can follow along by clicking the tattersalls link above and also the tattersalls facebook page.
Of course this blog will still be ticking along hopefully it will be ticking more smoothly now because I will have more time.
We will be more readily available to do custom works as well as keeping our eyes peeled for special pieces for you guys if you there was a certain piece you were in need of. I would like to also mention the workshops! the workshops we will be running are going to be awesome. we are taking some timeout to workout some new plans and new styles we can teach.
Abbie will also be focusing on the graphic design side of her life, building websites, branding, re-branding, social media management, print advertisement and more.
So there you go, you see we aren't going far we will still be here. We will be better than ever, keep your eyes peeled you wont be able to miss us soon.