DIY Snow Flakes
ITS CHRISTMAS!! My favorite time of the year. we have so much fun at christmas time, Mum has always made christmas the most special time of the year for us. That being said I get (some might say) over the top exctied. I get loud, I get Crazy and I get creative. Yesterday I asked mum if I can do a 12 day DIY christmas with you where I find DIYs online and make them and rate them. SHE SAID YES! Can you believe it? She actually said yes, GET THE GLITTER PEOPLE HERE COMES CHRISTMAS!! Sorry that may have been over the top, I did warn you.
So for today, the 1st of December, we have DIY peg snowflakes. I have seen these around a bit before most recently on Better Homes and Gardens. I thought these would be a good place to start.
What you'll need:
PVA glue
Wooden pegs
Hot Glue
To begin with you need to pull the pegs apart removing the metal springs
Next use PVA glue to glue the pieces together.
Use another peg to clamp the ones you have done while they dry.
You need to make 8 of these to make 1 snowflake.
Using hot glue, glue 2 together on the flat part of the peg.
Glue another 2 together with hot glue.
Glue the 4 together to create an X with hot glue
Add one at a time in between each part of the X
Then paint and glitter!
Ok so here is what my thoughts were:
Looks: they look effective. They work really well as a filler.
Easy level: They were pretty easy for us to make however children might struggle. I think it would be a good to make them in advance for any children under about 8 years old.
What I would do differently if I made them again: Use spray adhesive to glue the glitter on and I will be making heaps of these for my tree at home!